Sheltowee Trace maps

National Recreation Trail

Interactive mobile map

This map uses the Leaflet JS library with MapBox and ESRI base map layers to show the trail and recreation areas. The map shows mile markers and reroutes.

Print maps

You can find printed maps for your adventure on the Sheltowe Trace. Our maps include all official trails in the Daniel Boone National Forest, Red River Gorge Geological Area, Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area, Cumberland Falls and Natural Bridge State Resort Parks.

The most recent printed maps divide the trails into north and south sections on two publications, which are available for purchase with lamination.

Map archive

Maps from previous iterations of the site show recreation areas, printable PDFs, and even Adobe Flash maps. The first interactive maps were created in 2004.

Interested in reading thru hike trail logs? Our members have contributed a lot of awesome info to the forum that can help new trail users find a good hikes. It's archived and searchable. Visitors can also explore the history and growth of the Trace, both digitally and on the ground.

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Sheltowee Trace is Kentucky's longest trail.